WHAT WE OFFER SERVICES WE'RE PROVIDING Support Work Complex Support/Care Personal CareSocial ParticipationTransport GET IN TOUCH SUPPORT COORDINATION Complex Case ManagementNavigation of supportsAdvocacySafeguarding and Quality Control GET IN TOUCH POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT Behavioural AssessmentsBehaviour plansDelivery of therapyImplementation of behaviour plans GET IN TOUCH ALLIED HEALTH Occupational TherapySpeech TherapyPhysiotherapyEarly childhood interventionDevelopmental Education GET IN TOUCH DAY PROGRAMMES Actively tailored 6 week programsEducational 6 week programsTherapist designed and led 6 week programmes GET IN TOUCH OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE GardeningMinor external GET IN TOUCH Domestic Assistance Household Cleaning GET IN TOUCH Supported Independent Living personal growthenhance life skills GET IN TOUCH